A Real Apology … For Joe Barton’s Grammar

Joe Linus Barton, a Representative from Texas
Joe Linus Barton (R.-TX)
Humorist Brian Unger: “…As the humble son of two English teachers with master’s and specialist’s degrees in speech and education who took pleasure in scolding me as a child in both Latin and Greek, I’d like to apologize to all English-speaking nations for Rep. Joe Barton’s apology for apologizing to BP CEO Tony Hayward while he apologized to America for turning the Gulf of Mexico into a sorry petrochemical spittoon…
…[W]hen a congressmen demands proper English be the language of the land, and then destroys that language in front of an Englishman — I must apologize for me, myself, or I to my mom and dad; I’m sorry.”  [read the entire piece] (NPR).