Alpha-gal syndrome: Signs, symptoms, and treatments on the meat allergy passed by ticks

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‘Very little can stop the average American from eating beef — and quite a lot of it. On a per-capita basis, Americans eat nearly 60 pounds of red meat a year, equivalent to more than one quarter-pound hamburger every other day. But there’s one obstacle to our meat-loving tendencies that may not be surmountable: the tiny but aggressive lone star tick.

The tick (named for the female’s distinctive white dot on its back) can spread something called sugar alpha-gal via its spit. That sugar can trigger alpha-gal syndrome, or AGS, a condition that causes hives, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and a drop in blood pressure, among other symptoms, in sufferers around two to six hours after they eat beef, pork, and other mammal products. Essentially, sufferers become severely allergic to red meat….’ (Vox)

South Korean scientists announce room-temperature superconductor: “a brand-new historical event that opens a new era for humankind” | Boing Boing

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‘South Korean researchers say they’ve discovered, an alleged room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor, as reported in IFLScience. As the name implies, superconductors conduct electricity with negligible resistance, unlike metal wires. Traditional superconductors that require extremely low temperatures, but LK-99 is claimed to function under everyday conditions. Its critical temperature, below which it exhibits superconductivity, is 261 °F.


If verified, this discovery could have far-reaching implications for technological applications, including magnets, motors, cables, levitation trains, power cables, qubits for quantum computers, and THz antennas. “We believe that our new development will be a brand-new historical event that opens a new era for humankind,” say the researchers, whose paper was uploaded to arXiv….’ (Boing Boing)

Yes, There Is a Cure for Bullshit


‘Bullshit’s no laughing matter. Climate denialism bullshit, for example, is harmful. Misinformation about SARS-CoV-2 clearly cost lives. In fact, the biologist Carl Bergstrom, while watching the pandemic unfold, argued that “detecting bullshit” should be a top scientific priority. In 2020, Bergstrom coauthored a book called Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World. In their preface, he and his coauthor paid respect to the philosopher Harry Frankfurt, who died on Sunday at the age of 94. Frankfurt, they noted, “recognized that the ubiquity of bullshit is a defining characteristic of our time.”

Frankfurt, the author of the surprise 2005 bestseller On Bullshit, maintained that bullshit isn’t the same thing as a lie. The bullshitter is unaware of the facts. They’re just “bullshitting,” as we say, often in order to persuade others to go along with something, like a plan. But the liar deceives knowing what’s true and obscures it, with language or charts and figures. The good news is that we don’t have to resign ourselves to observing the spread of bullshit—or lies.

In a new study published in Nature Human Behavior, researchers came away optimistic about efforts to combat bullshit about COVID-19, which continues apace….’ (Nautilus)

Woman Hit by a Meteorite While Having a Coffee With a Friend

‘A woman in France recently enjoying coffee with her friend was struck by a small meteorite in what is considered an extremely rare event, according to local news.

The woman was chatting with her friend outside on a terrace when she was hit in the ribs by a mysterious pebble, French newspaper Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace (DNA) reported….’ ( Aristos Georgiou via Newsweek )

Update: ‘Meteorite’ that struck French woman was just a regular Earth rock

”The pictures CLEARLY show this is NOT a meteorite!’…’ ( By Robert Lea via Space, with thanks to Abby )

The world’s deadliest animal is on the move


‘The deadliest animal in the world is smaller than a pencil eraser and weighs around two-thousandths of a gram — less than the weight of a single raindrop. Every year, it kills an estimated 700,000 people by partaking in what scientists grimly call a “blood meal.” 

It’s the mosquito — and, increasingly, it’s on the move.

These global shifts, which will only accelerate as the planet warms, have sparked concern that the diseases mosquitoes carry will exact an even higher toll in the months and years to come.

In June alone, five cases of locally transmitted malaria were discovered in Texas and Florida: the first cases acquired in the United States in two decades. These cases, experts say, are unlikely to have a connection to warming temperatures — conditions in Florida and Texas are already suitable for malaria-carrying mosquitoes. But as urban heat islands expand and temperatures rise, mosquito-borne diseases are expected to travel outside of their typical regions….’ (The Washington Post)

New Research Shows Over a Third of North American Birds Have Disappeared in the Past 50 Years.

‘He leaned across his desk, surrounded by enough high-powered computers to heat up his entire office, and stared at what could only be an impossible conclusion: Over the past fifty years, his calculations found, a third of North America’s birds had vanished. “Well, that can’t be right,” he thought. “I must have made a mistake somewhere.”

Smith, one of the hemisphere’s top specialists in bird populations, just sat for a while in his cluttered cubicle at the Canadian Wildlife Service, which was decorated with caribou antlers, a musk-ox skull, and early drawings from his twin boys. Then it dawned on him. “This would be a massive change, an absolutely profound change in the natural system,” he said. “And we weren’t even aware of it.”…’ ( Anders Gyllenhaal via Nautilus )