Georgia gun shop owner quits after too many mass shootings

CleanShot 2023 06 02 at 21 38 44

‘A 43-year-old gun shop owner in Georgia is shutting down his store, saying he can no longer sell weapons in good conscience. He says both the Nashville elementary school mass shooting in March and the Atlanta hospital mass shooting in May were the “final straws.”

And after someone came into his gun shop six weeks ago wanting to buy 4,000 rounds, he told NBC News he knew he was making the right decision. “I just can’t,” he said….’  Boing Boing)

Why do animals keep evolving into crabs?

CleanShot 2023 06 02 at 21 35 27

‘A flat, rounded shell. A tail that’s folded under the body. This is what a crab looks like, and apparently what peak performance might look like — at least according to evolution. A crab-like body plan has evolved at least five separate times among decapod crustaceans, a group that includes crabs, lobsters and shrimp. In fact, it’s happened so often that there’s a name for it: carcinization….’  3 Quarks Daily)