Quantum Entanglement Could Stretch Across Time

Quantum Entanglement

“In the weird world of quantum physics, two linked particles can share a single fate, even when they’re miles apart.

Now, two physicists have mathematically described how this spooky effect, called entanglement, could also bind particles across time.

“You can send your quantum state into the future without traversing the middle time,” said quantum physicist S. Jay Olson of Australia’s University of Queensland, lead author of the new study.” (via Wired).

The article discusses some of the surprising implications, even using a Star Trek analogy.

2 thoughts on “Quantum Entanglement Could Stretch Across Time

  1. Years ago I read something by Robert Anton Wilson claiming that the mathematical formula describing an electron moving forward in time was identical to the one for its anti-particle, the positron, moving backward in time. Wilson used this to suggest that all time is simultaneous and that the human brain is simply a one-way play back device for experiencing a small portion of the universe’s infinite possibilities.


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